3D BLAST: In The Groove

3D BLAST: In The Groove is a semi-casual vaporwave rhythm game. You play as a huge fan of the musical artist 3D BLAST and discover that he’s going on tour across the universe. There’s just one issue… the tour is TODAY?! Players scramble through 7 different levels to get to the Universe Tour, listening to tracks by vapor artist 3D BLAST and collecting cassettes for score along the way. It’s semi-casual in that it’s impossible for you to fail a level - but it’s still a challenge to collect every cassette in a level.


My Role:

I created everything in this game except for it’s soundtrack, a few audio samples in it’s sound design, and a few character models / character dialog created by friends. All of the programming, modeling, texturing, design, and whatever else was done by myself.

Created for Music Game Jam 2017

It was initially released on September 25th, 2017 for Xavier Ekkel’s Music Game Jam, at which it scored 1st place in fun and 5th place overall. I returned to this game about a year later to add more content to it and polish it for a charity event hosted within the vaporwave community.

Why it’s important:

3D BLAST: In The Groove is one of the longer games that I’ve released. It’s an example of a game jam project that I returned to in order to bring it closer to my original vision. This is something that I’d like to do with a lot of my jam projects! This project was also the first game that I had ever made a trailer for and sold.





Frog Wednesday 2